
中村 優太  Revisiting Purposes of English Education in Japan: Focusing on the Reform of Entrance Examinations中村 理枝  Analysis of Pausing Behavior in Speech about Gender Inequality by Emma Watson岡地佑理絵  The Relation between Anxiety and Learner Characteristics―Focusing on Oral Performance―川本 洋輔  Exploring Definitions and Purposes of Retelling in English Class田中 吉雄  Exploring Problems of Language Environment for Foreign Visitors in Yamanashi中谷 友香  Discourse Analysis of Darcy and Elizabeth in “Pride and Prejudice”― Based on Cooperative Principle―長谷川莉子  Analyzing Changes in Gender Roles in “Beauty and the Beast”福井紗也香  Roles of Interactional Modification in an Elementary School Teacher’s Teacher Talk in English舛屋 奏美  Considering Eective Teaching of Grammar in English Classroom in Japan: Focusing on PPP and TBLT倉澤 太郎  The Eects of Teachers’ Instruction on New Vocabulary in the Communicative Language Classroom: How Teachers Can Strengthen the Intensity of New Words奥脇 奈津美ゼミ 浅野 杏奈  The Effective Method of Vocabulary Retention for L2 Learners門 真理子  The Acquisition of Prepositions Based on CHILDES Database佐藤 詩乃  A Study on the Will to Learn by Learners of Japanese鈴木  開  The Effect of Age In Second Language Acquisition髙原 大地  The Benefits of Using Sitcoms for Second Language Teaching in Japan古堅 優莉  The Acquisition of Phrasal Verbs by L2 learners山本 ひろ  The Acquisition of English Prepositions by Japanese L2 learnersHamish Gillies/Kolawole Olagboyegaゼミ 大縄 俊樹  Diachronic Studies of English Language from 1980 to 2018ガブリエル マコトNikkei Brazilian Returnees― The Challenges, Adaptation to “Alien” Culture and Possible Solutions―酒匂 美里  “Lost in translation”―A Study Of Omissions In Japanese Literature Translated Into English Language―佐野 遼平  The Factors Responsible for Native-like Prociency in English for Japanese People嶋田  唯  The Impact Of Vivienne Westwood On British Culture富川あおい  A Comparative Study Of British And Japanese Theatres中村 優里  Effects of Omissions in Subtitles on the Comprehension of Movies三沢佳菜子  Factors Responsible For Low English Prociency In Japan村田 友恵  Affective Factor Techniques for Enhancing WTC in English Classrooms in Japan池  京香  How Extensive Reading Promotes Reading Motivation―A Case Study―山田 倫子  Date Analysis of TED Talks based on Aristotle’s Three Rhetorical Appeals 242019年3月8日(金)

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