内村 綾里英の影響を受けたインド映画と日本映画の比較大宮 茉央名画『受胎告知』を比較する岡部 逢日本のアニメが与える影響 −オタクの目線から-柏木 優寧映画『地獄の黙示録』における恐怖の描き方髙澤 馨ラファエル前派と人間賛歌水野史帆子キリスト教布教から見える現代の信仰の自由 −殉教や拷問を経て当時のキリシタンたちが残してくれたものは何か依田 瑠美19世紀のイギリス文化における日本への影響Evans, Hywelゼミ阿部 一輝A study of lies from the perspective of Politeness strategy 上田 恵介『君の名は。』の英語字幕版における日本語音声との差異に関する研究木村 恭輔Eects of Indirect Expressions on Relationship-Building in the Movie "The intern" 清田 玲Irony in "Die Hard"近藤 辰紀How Ancient People Thought Without Language笹川 成龍Speech Acts in Marvel Movies神山 唯莉Comparison of English and Japanese Translations in "Men in Black"鳥居 龍都Aspects of Culture in "Spirited Away"新田 るなA Comparative Analysis of English and Japanese in "The Secret Life of Pets"東 優樹Linguistic Relativity: Does Your Language Change How You See The World?高橋 寛ゼミ大川 真依英語のwant とbelieve の補文の分析當野 結加日英における受動態・能動態の認識の差異松尾 綾音英語における造語とその背景 −動詞化についての-考察-Gillies, Hamish Edwardゼミ志津 秋The Inuence of the Native Language on Second Language Acquisition小野 裕己How the Covid-19 Pandemic Changed the Lives of Japanese College Students角田 陸How does L2 Proficiency Influence L3 acquisition? The Case of Japanese University Students Learning Korean as a Third Language.小林 丈留Effect of Early English Education on Japanese University Students' Motivation小林なるみThe Role and Eectiveness of Warm-up Activities in EFL Classes in Japanese Schools鈴木 寧々Early English Education for Elementary School Students濱田 和子The Relationship Between Learning Experience and Target Language Acquisition Among Japanese ESL Learners.湊 勇也Eective L2 Independent Learning Strategies to Improve Speaking Skills渡邉 奏Effective Use of ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) In Mainstream English Education in JapanOlagboyega, Kolawole Waziriゼミ高屋敷 開Factors Responsible For Effective Second Language Acquisition In Japan小嶋 菜月The Relationship Between the Lingustic Characteristics and Identities of LGBTQIA Communities in Japan四釜 理来The Effects Of Music On Second Language Acquisition嶋崎 月乃A Comparative Study of the Inner Circle and the Outer circle Varieties of English千葉あゆみThe Relationships between Learner Characteristics and Second Language Learning藤沢亜里沙A Constrastive Analysis of Intercultural Communication保坂 美咲Characteristics of Spoken English in Japan前田 莉緒The Semantic and Phonetic Differences in Japanese, Chinese and Korean Languages三浦 幸子ゼミ菅原 拓也Errors in English Plural Made by Japanese EFL Students: Misrecognition of Nouns between Japanese and English Languages朝海 夏帆A Study on Special Support for Autistic Students in English Classrooms板垣 彩夏A Study on the Use of ICT in Junior High School English Instruction伊藤 稚菜Eects of Oral Corrective Feedback on Pronunciation Errors上田 美和Considering New Ways of Assessment in EFL Classrooms: Self- and Peer-assessment through TBLT遠藤 理香Significance of Rapport Building in EFL Classrooms大平 萌加Considering How to Translate Dierent Cultures川上 千華Roles of Schema and Effects of Interactive Approach in Reading Comprehension佐々木萌波A Study on Anxiety in Second Language Acquisition関 直哉Exploration of Writing Instruction Based on Output Hypothesis橋口 小夏Considering the Use of Prepositional Phrases as Post-Modification in Junior High School Textbooks日向 美咲Exploring Effects of Project-Based Learning in EFL Classrooms山本 千夏A Study on Classroom Communication Focusing on Discoursal Follow-up和田 脩聖A Study on Teacher Talk: How will a Non-native Prospective Teacher Change his Interactive Features Over Time?262023年3月6日(月)