Price: Free Mt. Fuji TIMES vol.9 2019 11 Eijuin is located in Tokaichiba and it takes about 10 minutes on foot from Tokaichiba Sta. It is a temple of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism and founded by Kukai in 800. When Mt. Fuji erupted in 800, many people died or met with an accident. Kukai founded this temple to hold a memorial service for those people. えい永じゅ寿いん院はとお十か日いち市ば場えき駅からある歩いて10ぷん分ほどのところにあるそう曹とう洞しゅう宗のおてら寺で、800ねん年にくうかい空海によってかいそう開創されました。800ねん年のふ富じ士さん山だい大ふん噴か火のさい際、おお多くのし死しゃ者やそう遭なん難しゃ者がで出ました。そのかた方がた々をく供よう養するためにかい開そう創されたのがえい永じゅ寿いん院です。 There is a place we can scoop spring water. It is selected as one of the 100 famed mineral water. Because people of old times wished water to well up forever, people named this temple ‘Eijuin.’ Ei, which is永 in kanji, means forever. Ju, which is寿 in kanji, means something good. In this case it is water. Moreover, building of this temple and the scenery is very beautiful. You should feel relaxed. If you visit there, you can drink cold spring water and feel solemn atomosphere. けい境だい内にはめい名すい水100せん選にえら選ばれたわき湧みず水をく汲むことができるば場しょ所があります。むかし昔のひと人びと々がめぐ恵みのみず水がた絶えずわ湧きで出でほしいとねが願い、えい永じゅいん寿院とな名づ付けられました。じ寺いん院のたて建もの物も、け景しき色もき綺れい麗なのでぜひい行ってみてください。 Chokeiji is located in Natsukari and it takes about 25 minutes on foot from Tokaichiba Sta. It is a temple of Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism and was founded in 1462. Bhechadjagura (Budda who is able to cure all sorts of illnesses) is worshiped there. Long ago, a feudal lord, who had eye disease prayed to Bhechadjagura, and washed eyes with spring water. Then he got well. Since then, many people have visited this temple and the on second Saturday of October, a prayer meeting is held ever year. ちょう長けい慶じ寺はとお十か日いち市ば場えき駅からある歩いて25ふん分ほどのところにあるりん臨ざい済しゅう宗のおてら寺で、1462ねん年にかい開そう創されました。やく薬し師にょ如らい来がまつ祀られています。むかし昔、がん眼びょう病をわずら患ったはん藩しゅ主がさん参ぱい拝のさい際にゆう湧すい水でめ目をあら洗ったところ、なお治ったというい言いつた伝えがあり、それい以らい来おお多くのひと人びと々がおとず訪れています。 The spring water wells up not only in the premises, but also around the temple. From summer to fall, beautiful submerses bloom in the water. It grows only in clean water. Chokeiji is a little far from the station. But I recommend you to visit there because you can drink special spring water and get a good luck. めい名すい水100せん選にえら選ばれたわき湧みず水がけい境だい内だけでなく、そのしゅう周へん辺にもほう豊ふ富にわ湧きで出ており、そのなか中には、せいりゅう清流のなか中でしかせい生いく育しないとい言われるばい梅か花も藻がなつ夏からあき秋にかけてはな花をさ咲かせます。 HP (Edited and photos taken by Yu Ueyama)