
Price: Free Mt. Fuji TIMES vol.9 2019 4 The many shrines referred to as Sengen Jinja (Sengen Shrine) are dedicated to worship Mt. Fuji. There are over 1,300 of them all around Japan. Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Jinja is one of them and was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a part of Mt.Fuji area in 2013. This shrine was built in 708. After walking for 2 or 3 minutes from the entrance, you will pass by the biggest wooden torii in Japan and see “Kaguraden” in front. It is a stage where dances and music are performed for the Shinto gods. It is decorated with the 12 signs of the Japanese zodiac. せん浅げん間じん神じゃ社はぜん全こく国にやく約1300しゃ社い以じょう上あるふ富じ士さん山をしん信こう仰たい対しょう象とするじん神じゃ社です。きた北ぐち口ほん本ぐう宮ふ富じ士せん浅げん間じん神じゃ社は、2013ねん年にユネスコせ世かい界ぶん文か化い遺さん産にとうろく登録されました。い入りぐち口から2、3ふん分ある歩き、に日ほん本さい最だい大のもくぞう木造とり鳥い居をくぐるとしょう正めん面にかぐ神ら楽でん殿がみ見えてきます。かぐ神ら楽でん殿とはじんじゃ神社のけい境だい内にもう設けてあるかぐ神ら楽をそう奏するためのたてもの建物です。 Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine Before you pray, make sure to stop by “Temizuya”. It is located at the left side of “Kaguraden”. At the right side of “Temizuya”, the tall cedar called “Fujitarou Sugi” stands. It is said to be more than 1000 years old. In front of “Haiden”, a house for prayer, there are two masks of “Ootengu” (left) and “Ooyamatsuminomikoto” (right) and they grab your attention. “Honden”, the main shrine sanctuary, is located at the back of “Haiden”. There, the Shinto priest often offers a prayer, such as for safe childbirth, academic achievement, etc. Anyone may request a prayer from the priest. さん参ぱい拝のまえ前にて手みず水や舎によ寄りましょう。かぐ神ら楽でん殿のひだり左がわ側にせっ設ち置されています。て手みず水や舎のみぎ右て手にはじゅれい樹齢1000ねん年をこ超えるすぎ杉のきょ巨ぼく木があります。はいでん拝殿のしょう正めん面にはひだり左におお大てん天ぐ狗、みぎ右におお大やま山つみの祇かみ神のおめん面がかか掲げられています。はいでん拝殿のおく奥にはほん本でん殿がありたびたびき祈とう祷がおこな行われています。 Near “Haiden”, a lot of omamori (good luck charms) are sold. You can buy one that matches your wish. This shrine has a route for praying. There are some eating stands at the entrance so you can take a little break. The Google maps rating is 4.5/5.0. はいでん拝殿のちか近くではたくさんのおまも守りがはんばい販売されていて、じ自ぶん分のねが願いにあ合ったおまも守りか買うことができます。このじんじゃ神社にはさんぱい参拝じゅん順ろ路がせっ設ち置されているのでそれにしたが従ってさんぱい参拝をすす進めることができます。や屋たい台があるので、かえ帰るさい際にはしょう小きゅう休し止をとることもできます。グーグルマップでのひょう評か価は4.5/5.0です。 People forming a line to pray Otengu (Left) Oyamatuminomikoto (Right) Good luck charms

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