Price: Free Mt. Fuji TIMES vol.9 2019 8 KAGISHIPPO Kagishippo’ is a stylish Italian restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere. The charm of this restaurant is that we can go to this restaurant with our friends or family freely and eat dinner in a relaxed atmosphere. かぎしっぽはおしゃれなイタリアンレストランです。とも友だち達とき気がる軽にた立ちよ寄り、お落ちつ着いてしょく食じ事をしたり、ゆっくりはな話したりできるのがこのおみせ店のみ魅りょく力です。 ‘ From the menu, the owner of this restaurant recommends “Cream pasta with broad beans and lemon”. We can eat it only in spring season. Although cream sauce is heavy, lemon makes the pasta light. Also, this restaurant has many kinds of alcoholic drinks because the owner likes them. おみせ店のおすすめはき季せつ節げん限てい定メニューの「そらまめ豆とレモンのクリームパスタ」です。クリームはのう濃こう厚ですが、レモンが入ることであっさりしたあじ味わいになります。 Both solo customers and group customers can enjoy eating at the counter or tables within. The owner said, “Because this restaurant has English menu and staff who can speak English, travelers from overseas are welcome!” メニューにはえい英ご語のひょう表き記もあり、えい英ご語をはな話せるスタッフもいるため、がい外こく国のかた方でもき気がる軽にた立ちよ寄ってほしいとおっしゃっていました。 YAKITORI BINDO ‘Bindo’ is a nostalgic yakitori restaurant. Tsukune, a kind of meat ball, and fried chicken are popular. You eat tsukune with red spice called ‘karami’. It makes tsukune taste better and you will soon finish up the food. The shape of fried chicken is a little different from ordinary one. The owner cut chicken long so that customer can eat it more easily. びんどはむかし昔ながらのふん雰い囲き気をのこ残したや焼きとり鳥や屋です。とく特につくねとから唐あ揚げがにん人き気だそうです。つくねはみせ店オリジナルのからみをつけてた食べるとピリから辛でよりおいしいです。 Bindo was built after restoring a house built in the Taisho Era. When you get inside, you can see what old Japanese architecture was like and feel the history of Fujiyoshida area. このおみせ店は、たい大しょう正じ時だい代のたて建もの物をリフォームしてできたもので、なか中にはい入ると、でん伝とう統てき的なに日ほん本か家おく屋のけん建ちく築をたい体かん感することができます。 【Business Hour】 Lunch 11:00~14:00 (Reservation is necessary) Dinner 18:00~23:00 (Fri and Sat 26:00) Closed on Sunday 【Business Hour】 18:00~23:00 Closed on irregular holiday